Saturday, September 21, 2024

 the motherwefers attempts to corral us is akin to herding cats which is why they probably will ultimately fail;

This article in the Atlantic by Director of the National Institutes of Health, Francis S. Collins, should interest us.

Not for its utterly predictable and easily debunked attempts at gaslighting about what the early days of “covid” were “really” like (the terror! the deaths! the hospitals like war-zones ! oh the humanity!).

No, what makes it interesting is the question in its title-

Why Didn’t Facing a Common Enemy Bring Us Together?

This is a respected mainstream authority in an establishment journal making two important admissions.

1 – that “covid” was anticipated to unite us

2 – that it failed to do so.

The first one is obvious – I mean, in his own words, “covid” was expected to “bring us together” – be a big global(ist) kumbaya moment. It was expected to be the trigger for humanity to put aside its differences in the face of a terrifying “common enemy”.

Yes, we were expected to cry with one voice, – we will lock ourselves down! Yes, we will wear face masks! Yes we will be injected with untested experimental compounds and endure empty food stores and invasive testing, QR codes and enforced medical interventions – to save us all from something much much worse!

This, of itself, isn’t really new information of course. The signs were all there very early that this was where it was intended to go. Does anyone remember ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown in March 2020 saying the quiet part outloud WAY too soon and telling people “covid” inexplicably required a global government to deal with it? (our emphasis)......more......

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