Thursday, September 26, 2024

pcr tells you about some potentially nuclear times;

 This Week the Most Momentous Decision of Our Time Will Be Made

Paul Craig Roberts

With the US government–State Department, Treasury, Homeland Security, and Justice (sic)–in the hands of Zionist Jews, only the Pentagon speaks for Americans. So far the Pentagon has refused to approve the firing of missiles into Russia.

Zelensky whose “democratic” credentials are shattered by him continuing in office without reelection after his term has expired, is coming to Washington this week to plead with the White House for missile strikes into Russia.

Will the Pentagon be present at the meeting? If so, has the officer ranks been so purged and depleted by wokeism that it cannot take a firm stand?

Putin has stated that missiles fired into Russia means the US and Europe are at war with Russia.

Are Americans aware that this momentous decision is being made this week, and if not, then the following week? The British Prime Minister has already agreed. The sole holdout is the Pentagon.

Likely, the impending Florida hurricane will divert the news from this momentous decision.

We could simultaneously be presented with the outbreak of war in the Middle East. Israel, having eliminated many of the leaders of Hezbollah, is intensifying its strikes on Lebanon, which is more or less under Iran’s protection. According to reports, the US 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Israel. If the reports are correct, it appears that the US is prepared to enter the war on Israel’s side. Putin has indicated that Iran is under Russia’s protection..

We are very close to nuclear Armageddon. And insouciance rules while Zionists take us to war and destruction.........

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