Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 larry johnson speaks about our war pigs here in the empire;

It’s alarming yet expected that the National Security Leaders for America (NSL4A), a group of 741 security leaders, have proudly endorsed the pretender Kamala Harris for President. This endorsement includes a remarkable lineup of retired neocons, including 15 four-star generals and admirals, 230 generals, ten cabinet secretaries, 148 ambassadors, 37 CIA directors and leadership, and 17 Homeland Security officers.

They are similar to the formidable ancient Roman Praetorian Guard, projecting power and strength. Yet, they are grossly incompetent leaders who spearheaded the two Middle East wars, which drained the treasury of trillions of dollars, led to over 7,000 military casualties, and caused the deaths of over 500,000 civilians.

Check out these notable figures from the deep state who are throwing their support behind Kamala Harris. The Hunter Biden laptop scandal was dismissed by these endorsers, who also pushed the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy and promoted the Iraq weapons of mass destruction, along with the faux Trump-Ukraine scandal. For decades, moral corruption has insidiously infiltrated our intelligence and military establishment, eroding the very foundation of trust and integrity. They believe they are above the US Constitution and the will of the people, all while proclaiming to be protectors of democracy.

  • General Wesley Clark, USA and Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO (Ret)
  • John Brennan, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
  • Leon E. Panetta, former Secretary of Defense, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
  • Ambassador Victoria Nuland (Ret), former Acting Deputy Secretary of State
  • Jeh Johnson, former Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton, former Secretary of State, former U.S. Senator (D-NY) Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant General Jim Clapper, USAF (Ret), former Director of National Intelligence

The endorsement seems like the Babylon Bee wrote it and contains numerous absurdities. Interestingly, there is no mention of Kamala, the Border Czar, leaving the border wide open for millions of military-aged males to cross. Here is a sample of the idiocies........more.......

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