Monday, September 23, 2024

 some movements of large groups is virtually unstoppable;

Most of us still refer to the mainstream media as authority, even those who hate it. We get our “stories” from them, we fight their “ideas” in independent media. If legacy media hasn’t acknowledged a story, for too many of us, it doesn’t exist. The habit is ingrained, like breathing. But, as this book shows, from some of the greats in journalism, legacy media is profoundly toxic. It exists to depress you, to suppress you, to squeeze all of the life and ideas out of you until you are a small little person with nothing to offer but obedience. If it speaks, it lies.

Without corporate media carrying the water of the corrupt, every country would grow so fast, the infrastructure and architectural achievements of the Saudis, say or Qataris in Middle East would be dwarfed. Without the predatory left, allied with the World Economic Forum who see us as pigs to be bled, then eaten, America would within a decade, shoot forward several generations. All I see out there is unused capacity, men and women stalled, locked in a spell of hopelessness. Beyond that, given that corruption, mendacity is put in its place – prison – I see boundless growth and creativity.

Today, populists are winning everywhere. Even given the cheating, and I think after months of study, cheating is everywhere. The left’s ideas have failed and failed spectacularly, and all they have left is cheating. Look at Venezuela, look at Brazil, those elections were so stolen no one can argue they weren’t. And they were stolen by corrupt socialists. If you doubt it, I challenge you to look at my series on election fraud. The video below shows all of Venezuela on the streets, and no one turned up at Lula’s installation but the police and army........more..........

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