Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 the woman being interviewed is beyond all sanity;

An appearance on national television proves that Kamala Harris’s own surrogates are just as clueless about the issues impacting the American people as she is and just as inept at explaining her ‘ideas.’

Kelly Hyman, a Florida attorney and Democratic strategist, appeared on the Fox News show Your World with Neil Cavuto to defend Harris’s plan to lower the price of goods for Americans.

But she was left completely clueless when Sandra Smith, who was filling in for Cavuto, decided to perform an act of journalism and ask her to specify Harris’s economic plan in detail for viewers. Hyman first tried to tout Harris’s Marxist plan on price gouging and claimed that this would prevent “big corporations” from taking advantage of American customers.

However, a skeptical Smith responded by asking her whether this was happening. Hyman first answered “No” but then claimed she was uncertain because she was “not privy to that type of information.”

This caused Smith to astutely point out that Hyman was having difficulty explaining Harris’s economic plan to voters. Already humiliated by a prepared Smith, Hyman then imploded completely:

“I’m not! Honestly, that’s not true!” she bellowed. “Please. I’m constantly being interrupted by you. Which as a woman, I think is disrespectful!”..........more......

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