Thursday, September 12, 2024

 larry johnson has been banned by youtube;

Well, the thought police came for me today and deleted my You Tube channel. I logged on and all of my content disappeared. POOF!! My crime? HATE SPEECH? No specifics. Just the general charge of being a hater. I think the only thing or group of people I hate are the folks running Google/YouTube. Yeah, I hate them. Actually, not them personally. I hate what they do.

I suspect there was an organized effort to submit several complaints to get me shut down. I am sure it must have been either the Russians or the Palestinians or the Iranians. Could not have been the Zionists or the US Department of Just-Us. They’re my chums.

Fortunately, all of my videos of recent vintage are posted at my Bitchute channel. Please subscribe there..........

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