Thursday, September 12, 2024

 David DeGerolamo has some thoughts about the 'debate';

I want to talk about the debate last night. I will let others pontificate concerning the moderators or who won. My point is that the American people lost. A debate by definition is to bring clarity concerning the issues that impact people’s lives, future and security.


Donald Trump was asked if he wanted Ukraine to win this war? Muir should have asked him if he still beats his wife. There is no way to answer that question without losing. I am not running for office so I can speak the truth. I do not want Ukraine to win the war but this is a moot point since they lost the war already. The taxpayers have also lost the war as more money was laundered to Zelensky and his lackey oligarchs. The Ukrainian people lost an entire generation of men. As we all know, Russia will not lose the war. Trump could have done a better job but the truth once again is that Russia has and will use tactical nuclear weapons against the West.

Which brings me to my next point. We provoked Russia. Anyone who would do a cursory search on the Maidan Revolution, Victoria Nuland, the Ukrainian attacks on the Donbass for eight plus years and the Biden Crime Family money laundering would be cheering for Russia. But this is just another diversion to make us pick sides to divide us. Does anyone remember this quote:........more............

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