Sunday, June 23, 2024

 i want to stop cbdcs is the question and catherine austin fitts tells you how;

Many subscribers and readers of the Solari Report have asked how they can stop the implementation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the U.S. and other countries. It is important to recognize that there is a great deal that each one of us can do to take action. In a highly leveraged financial system such as we have, a single individual counts for a lot. Get ready to support Financial Transaction Freedom.

Here are actions that each of us can take:

(1) USE CASH whenever possible—and let everyone know why you are using cash. Walk out on establishments that refuse to accept cash. When using remote facilities where cash is not possible, use checks if you can. We understand from one subscriber that check companies are scrambling to fill the orders of all of the bank customers who have requested checks recently. Whether the indicator is banking statistics or anecdotal reports from our subscribers, cash use is clearly rising.

Consider organizing in groups. Note this post from Mike Yeadon/Robin Monotti/Cory Morningstar’s Telegram channel:

“I’ve been in France for three months now. Their approach to this is simply fantastic I’d like to share a bit about it.

A very well known supermarket here decided to go cashless. A group of 50 people got together and agreed that they would all do a big shop on the same day. Piling their trolleys to the brim and each person getting to the checkout—the human checkout, not the machines—and having everything scanned before bringing cash out. The staff were absolutely overrun. Their management in a complete tizz, everyone repeatedly, calmly, and in a very organised and polite fashion acting as if they knew nothing. No edges, no rudeness, no humiliation.

The supermarket reinstated cash..........more.......

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