Friday, June 21, 2024

 official gaza reports more dead and missing than mondoweiss and i'd suspect that its more accurate as well;

The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported on 20 June that Israel’s assault on the strip has left over 47,000 Palestinians killed or missing, with at least 3,000 massacres to date.

“There are more than 47,000 martyrs and missing persons in Gaza due to the occupation committing more than 3,000 massacres,” the government ministry said.

Gaza’s health ministry emphasized that they are working with the “bare minimum” equipment in the northern Gaza Strip as Israel continues to deny medicines, medical supplies, and fuel to the besieged enclave.

“We are trying to restart vital departments in the Al-Shifa Medical Complex and the Indonesian Hospital,” the health ministry added.

Both hospitals have come under direct attacks by the Israeli army in the 258 days of war in the Gaza Strip.

The government body registered 37,431 Palestinian deaths and estimates at least 10,000 bodies trapped under rubble that health workers are unable to reach, with around 5,000 of them children..........more.........

Three-quarters of the registered deaths are children (about 15,747), women (10,406), and elderly people.

Over 85,653 have been injured due to Israel’s bombing of the strip, most of whom are children and women. 

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