Saturday, June 22, 2024

 you can be sure that the same thing goes on here as well;

Before Keir Starmer took over the Labour leadership, he demanded full party backing for future Israeli military operations, Jeremy Corbyn, former UK Labour Party leader, said in an interview with independent journalist Matt Kennard published on Wednesday.

Corbyn’s statement comes amid ongoing debate and scrutiny surrounding his tenure, which ended amid accusations—widely contested—of failing to effectively address “antisemitism” within the party. It is worth noting that Corbyn has a longstanding record of advocating for peace and Palestinian rights.

When asked by Kennard if he was surprised by the level of support that Starmer and other senior Labour figures had shown for “Israel” during its aggression on Gaza, Corbyn responded that he was not shocked, explaining that the reason was “because I know where many of these people are coming from.”

“During one extremely hostile meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party Committee, they confronted me and said: ‘Will you give a blanket undertaking that you as party leader and potentially prime minister will automatically support any military action Israel undertakes?’ And I said no,” he stressed. ….......more........

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