Sunday, May 26, 2024

 chemtrails. you can see them almost daily and they're denied regularly by many talking heads even while congress holds occasional hearings on the subject;

The Aluminum Conspiracy is an entirely manmade and ongoing event.  It is also a complex conspiratorial plot being fastidiously carried out by the New World Order globalist cabal to further sicken and neutralize, incapacitate and debilitate billions of people around the world.

This depopulation scheme not only concerns the atmosphere wherever chemical engineering is implemented via chemtrail operations, but also the ambient indoor air of homes and apartments, office buildings and shopping malls.

In both cases the same basic phenomenon is taking place but in completely different ways. Aluminum from either alumina (also known as aluminum oxide) or aluminum metal is being transformed into chemically-mobile aerosolized aluminum.

American interdisciplinary scientist and nuclear physicist Dr. Marvin Herndon has conducted the research that proves there is currently an extremely high concentration of chemically-mobile aluminum in the Earth’s atmosphere. That is not where aluminum belongs.  Nor has the atmosphere historically had such high levels of atmospheric aluminum.

Aluminum is now is being systematically introduced into the atmosphere via the ubiquitous chemical engineering programs which now operate around the clock. Also known as chemtrail spraying operations, these aerosol formulations contain coal fly ash, the main component of which is alumina.

When the specially equipped military jets that eject the chemtrail aerosols into the skies around the world, the aluminum oxide becomes hydrated and chemically mobile.  In this manner, enormous amounts of airborne aluminum permeate the upper and lower atmosphere of planet Earth............more......

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