Monday, May 27, 2024

the electric vehicle craze is not getting the customer base the biden gang assumes or aims to get; 

CBS’s “Face The Nation” host Margaret Brennan shocked Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Sunday when she actually pushed back and said Trump was right about Biden’s insane electric vehicle mandate.

Margaret Brennan played a clip for Pete Buttigieg of President Trump slamming Biden’s insane electric vehicle mandate during his massive rally in New Jersey

“We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars subsidizing a car that nobody wants!” Trump said.

Trump is correct.

In 2021, the Democrat-controlled Congress gave Joe Biden $7.5 billion to install electric vehicle chargers all over the country and only 7 or 8 EV charging stations have been built. It’s a total scam.

According to 2021 analysis from the New York Times, $1.2 trillion of the ‘Infrastructure’ bill would be spent over 8 years and $550 billion will go to roads, bridges, rail lines, electric vehicles, water systems and other programs.

Electric vehicles are unpopular, expensive and bad for the environment but the Biden Regime is going into overdrive to force car companies to produce more EVs while they crack down on gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions.

“He’s not wrong,” Margaret Brennan said of Trump’s statement slamming the wasteful EV mandate.

“Oh, he’s wrong,” Pete Buttigieg said.............more........

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