Friday, May 31, 2024

we're heading into a perfect storm. here's the wind portion described; 

Everywhere you look companies are going out of business, leaving in their wake empty commercial units with no other entity willing or able to take their place. And this is only just the beginning.

A major financial crisis is building, the foreshocks of which were seen last year with numerous bank failures. In 2024 so far, there has been a wave of business failures including major names like Red Lobster, Marie Callender's and others closing up shop for good.

The already hobbling economy can only take so much of this before the entire commercial real estate (CRE) sector falls off a cliff, which is what appears to be happening as you read this.

"I think that there's more to come," commented Peter Earle, a securities analyst and senior research fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research about the major hit America's banks are about to take for all their exposure to the collapsing CRE sector.

(Related: Once the CRE collapse really gets going, you can expect a lot more bank failures.)...........more .......

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