Sunday, May 26, 2024

 weather modification, chemtrails and haarp are real;

Nearly 60 years ago, in May 1962, then US Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) gave the commencement address at his alma mater, Southwest Texas State University, now known as Texas State University. In the speech, LBJ talked about his international travels and professed that the United States must set the agenda for the rest of the world. (Source: Texas Archive) It wasn’t so much a speech about freedom as it was a speech about control. A very interesting aspect of control that LBJ mentioned was a comment about controlling global cloud layers: “He who controls the weather will control the world.”

The Tenpenny Report wrote about weather manipulation over a year ago; we covered man-made earthquakes and HAARP, the world’s most powerful high-frequency transmitter used for “weather research.” Read it here. Interestingly, the US Air Force said they would shut HAARP down in 2014, a decade ago. There were even articles saying it was being dismantled piece by piece. But that wasn’t true, given that HAARP did its largest set of experiments in 2022, including bouncing a beam off the moon and sending a beam to Jupiter.

If weather warfare is not “a thing,” why are there so many patents?.............more......

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