Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 the empire is creating its own collapse;

Driving the Chinese and the Russians into each other’s arms might turn out to be the biggest strategic miscalculation of all time. 

It’s coming... a new world order. 

Politics doesn’t interest us. But mega-politics does. Its deep currents — mostly unseen — carry history along with them. And they guide and drive the Primary Trends in markets, too. 

And this week, something very important happened. We saw the future taking shape. Vladimir Putin went to Beijing. There, he surely received one of the warmest welcomes he has ever gotten. But this was more than just conviviality... it was the signal of a big shift in the power relationships — ‘les rapports de force’ — between the governments of planet earth.  

Ray McGovern, a CIA analyst for 27 years, reports: 

It amounts to a tectonic shift in the world balance of power. The Russia-China entente also sounds the death knell for attempts by U.S. foreign policy neophytes to drive a wedge between the two countries. The triangular relationship has become two-against-one, with serious implications, particularly for the war in Ukraine. If U.S. President Joe Biden’s foreign policy geniuses remain in denial, escalation is almost certain

Since the end of WWII, US security experts and geopolitical strategists have taken comfort in what they thought was an eternal animosity between Russia and China. The two titans share a long border and a long history of mutual distrust.  

But now, something has changed. The two old adversaries have embraced.  Now, “it’s two against one,” says McGovern. 

Arnaud Bertrand: 

Wow, China and Russia issued an extraordinary joint statement yesterday, with almost 8,000 words when translated into English, and in many ways more important than the famous "no limits" partnership statement in February 2022.  

Bertrand identifies three important features in the joint Russian/Chinese announcement. First, they openly proclaim a New World Order in which the US is no longer the boss: ...........more........

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