Tuesday, May 28, 2024

larry johnson has some information and thoughts that fly in the face of what your tv tries to convince you about; 

While Israel and the West repeatedly and incessantly insist that Hamas is nothing more than one of the most deadly, formidable terrorist groups in the world, the data collected and published by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs debunks that narrative. The claim against Hamas is false. You don’t have to take my word for it, I am going to show you the data. The following tables and spreadsheets contain data collected by Israel between 27 September 2000 and 26 April 2024. [Israel continues to update the figures at the website linked above.]

As an aside, Israel does not include the casualties suffered as a result of the 7 October 2023 attack by Hamas. Israel calls it, Swords of Iron. In contrast to the meticulous list of the name of every dead Israeli and foreign victim, who allegedly died at the hands of Palestinians, the Swords of Iron data does not name the victims, especially the 40 children that Israeli officials insist were killed by Hamas. I find that curious, to say the least.

The first Israeli casualty in 2000 was Sgt. David Biri, 19, of Jerusalem, who was fatally wounded in a bombing near Netzarim in the Gaza Strip on 27 September. The last victim, who died on 26 April, was Sharif Suad, 35, of the Bedouin town of Sallama near Karmiel. A anti-tank missile launched from Lebanon hit the truck he was driving in the  Mount Dov area on the Lebanese border. Between those dates, there were an additional 592 attacks. Mind you, these are attacks that resulted in the death of an Israeli or citizen of another country..........more.....

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