even though kunstler buys the 'official' 911 story he seemingly gets the rest of the current situation spot on;
This idiotic fantasy congealed in the political matrix last week as
everyone across the spectrum of parties and factions scrambled for
patriotism brownie points in what is shaping up as an epic game of
Capture-the-Flag for the mid-term elections. Listen to me for a moment,
as our arch-nemesis Vlad the Putin said to Fox News knucklehead Chris
Wallace in an interview aired Sunday Night — when Wallace interrupted
Mr. Putin for perhaps the fourth time, saying, “I don’t want to
interrupt you, sir, but….”
“Listen to me. Be patient,” Mr. Putin repeated dolefully, like a second-grade teacher struggling with an ADD kid.
The interview was trying my Christian patience, too. And my own
personal fantasy was that Mr. Putin would whip out 30 inches of rebar
and whap Chris Wallace upside the head with it. But he only repeated,
“Be patient….”
So, listen to me: Russia did not “attack” us. Trolling on Facebook is
not an attack on the nation. The allegation that Russia “hacked”
Hillary’s email and the DNC server is so far without evidence, and
computer forensics strongly suggests that the information was
transferred onto a flash-drive on its journey to Wikileaks. And, of
course, the information itself, concerning embarrassing unethical
hijinks among Democratic Party officials, was genuine and truthful —
they “meddled” in their own primary elections.
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