Tuesday, July 24, 2018

nothing for you to see here so move along and disregard the man behind the curtain;

Every now and then I get one of those stories that I not only have to blog about, but that makes me – and I suspect, you, the reader – shake our heads in disbelief at the brazen double standards that obtain between “us plain folk” and the so-called “elite,” the vulgar, amoral, cultureless technocrats and financiers that run the world, and this is one of those stories. Mr. N. sent it along, and it really takes the breath away:
Now, get this:
49-year-old Annabelle Neilson’s body was discovered hanging from a doorknob in the bathroom of her $4.1 million mansion on Thursday, but news of her sudden and tragic death has only just been made public. Police have yet to confirm the cause of her death, and haven’t ruled out drug or alcohol use, but say they are “not treating it as suspicious.”
No, there’s nothing suspicious at all about someone found dead hanging from a doorknob, notwithstanding she used to be married to a Rothschild. Nothing to see here, move along. Oh, did I mention…?:
Neilson was previously married to Nathaniel Rothschild – son of Lord Jacob Rothschild and heir to his family’s fortune – for three years after a six-year relationship. After divorcing Rothschild she was reportedly forced to sign a confidentiality agreement and rescind the dynastic name.
Nothing suspicious here, move along. Oh, by the way, did I mention that Annabelle Neilson’s boyfriend was also found hanging from a doorknob?


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