Tuesday, July 24, 2018

here in the land of the brave and free there are gradations of that 'freedom' granted to some but not to others;

Georgia state Representative Jason Spencer is in deep doo-doo. He was filmed shouting the N-word repeatedly and exposing his buttocks on Sacha Baron Cohen’s new television show.
Obviously for a politician to drop his trousers and show his naked ass on camera is ground for discipline, if not firing. That just shows that these so-called Republicans will do just about anything for money. They have no morals, and all you have to do is sign them a check for a few thousand dollars and they’ll just do anything. Just look at how Netanyahu has progressively gotten the Republican Party in his right pocket.[1]
But that is not what the media is focusing on right now. Race baiters are hinging on the idea that Jason Spencer should never have uttered the N-word because it presumes that Spencer is a bigot, a racist, or something equally weird. Those race baiters don’t even ask Sasha Cohen to cancel his program!
This has been a recurrent theme over the past decade or so. What the race baiters ended up saying is that only blacks can use the N-word, even in a derogatory sense.


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