the rest of this pcr article is to be found at the link. as usual he makes great points that most of the 'great unwashed' never notice;
The Guardian Neswspaper, which once was an honest newspaper that
spoke for the British working class has now been suborned, in my
opinion, by the CIA and British Intelligence (sic).
Perhaps you remember a few years ago that The Guardian complied with
illegal orders from the corrupt UK government to destroy the Wikileak
files that revealed US felonies and deceptions of so-called “allies,”
who are nothing but Washington’s vassals.
What disturbs me about The Guardian is that it no longer guards truth
and the working class. Instead The Guardian guards the extraordinary
lies that serve the agenda of the US hegemonic state.
I cannot understand why any of The Guardian’s original subscribers
read apologies for Washington’s crimes and misdeeds or why The Guardian
prefers conflict instead of peace with Russia. Why does The Guardian
work to increase hostility between nuclear powers that can easily result
in the termination of life on earth? Are The Guardian’s editors paid
by the CIA and UK “intelligence,” as the German newspaper editor Udo
Ulfkotte said in his book, Bought Journalism, or are The Guardian’s
editiors threatened with arrest and prison unless they serve the
interests of the UK’s overlord in Washington?
Whatever The Guardian is, just like The New York Times, The
Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and the rest of the Western
presstitutes, journalism is not present on its pages. What the West has
is a Ministry of Propaganda. The public is lied to and brainwashed, not
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