Saturday, July 21, 2018

 the russians did it of course, as we're always told;

The 2018 Helsinki summit has left Americans puzzled, some terrified, others feign outrage but few have stood back and taken a breath. Always stand back, always take a breath, always keep the mouth shut and the hand off the keyboard.
A quick review of the facts, such as they are, such as we can assume them to be, is a place to begin. Donald Trump, despite his denials and obfuscation, really did side with Russia against America’s intelligence agencies.
Let’s take a breath, on one hand you have the CIA, NSA and 14 other agencies, all heavily politicized, all with long histories of abuses, of lying, of even drug trafficking, rigging elections, assassinations, this is the “one hand.”
On the other you have Russia President Vladimir Putin saying “I didn’t do it.”
Then you have Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller telling us he has evidence of Russian wrongdoing, evidence he got from the CIA, NSA and 14 other agencies.
Then again, I forgot to mention that these agencies generally get their intelligence from Israel, about half of it, a nation that is seldom an unbiased or disinterested party or from open source intelligence.
They see it on TV.
Then again, they have been accused, from time to time, of making it all up.
Add to this Donald Trump, a man who would lie about what day it was, he doesn’t seem to be able to help himself, the mouth opens and out they come, an endless stream of them, many of them bizarre and quite unnecessary. It is as though he is testing us.
There is a simple answer here. Based on reason, Trump may well have been quite correct in his assessment that Putin wasn’t lying. Putin was right there, Trump only told the audience what he was told, Trump wasn’t making that part up.
As you can note, we are now testing one or more hypotheses, hoping we might end up with something resembling truth, a lonely effort in the best of cases.

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