Sunday, September 1, 2024

we may be witnessing the death of israel according to larry johnson;

I am not minimizing the terrible suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF), but the world seems oblivious to the economic damage inflicted on the Israeli economy, which will hinder their efforts to pursue genocide without continued financial support from the United States.

Nati Tucker published a fascinating and detailed op-ed in Haaretz this past week that paints a dire picture of the Israeli economy. Here are the highlights (I encourage you to read the entire piece at the link below):

GDP growth rate:

The national accounting data, which reflect the growth rate of Israel’s gross domestic product and which were published last week, presented a worrying picture. In the second quarter, growth slowed to an annualized 1.2 percent from the previous quarter. On a per capita basis (taking population increase into account), GDP actually fell by an annualized 0.4 percent rate.

But this figure, too, is misleading. If you compare the growth not to the first quarter of 2024 but rather year-on-year – that is, comparing the data of the second quarter of 2024 to the second quarter of 2023 – you find that the GDP actually declined in that period by 1.4 percent. If we isolate the business output, that is, ignore the intervention of the government – which poured substantial sums into the economy as part of civilian and security aid – we find that the decline was even steeper.

Far from a bright spot:

The worrying GDP figures showed a continued decline in exports and a moderate rise in investments. The only bright spot in the GDP data was in consumer spending, which grew by 12 percent on an annual basis compared to the previous quarter, after 23.5 percent of growth in the first quarter. High private consumption would seem to indicate a high level of economic activity, but these figures, too, are misleading........more.......

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