Friday, September 6, 2024

we, the empire, have fully become the enemy we once warned others about;

 I do not know how long the following video will remain on YouTube. My guess, is not long. However, you can watch it at Bitchute (here is the link). I copied it from Odysee and learned that not even WordPress will allow me to post a link to Odysee. We are living in an age of draconian authoritarianism in the West.

I remember a time when we in the West were smug and sanctimonious in condemning the Soviet Union and Communist China for punishing political opponents. Now, we have passed through the looking glass and are in an upside-down world, where it is the United States and Europe that are silencing political opponents and aggressively using social media to spread government propaganda.

The political hit job picked up steam today with the indictment of American citizen, Dimitri Simes, and his wife, for “violating US sanctions on Russia.” Just look at the following headlines. The last one is from the US Department of Justice website. Talk about misinformation. None admit the fact that Dimitri and his wife are US citizens and have held citizenship for 50 years. So much for civil rights. [Note: View the indictments for District of Columbia cases #24-cr-403 and #24-cr-404.].........more........

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