Sunday, September 1, 2024

 caitlin speaks about israel and palestine and genocide;

When Palestinians say they don’t feel safe they mean they’re afraid of being killed by 2000-pound bombs. When Zionists say they don’t feel safe they mean they’re afraid of experiencing the psychological discomfort of encountering protests against a genocide that they support.

“Stop doing genocide” is the single most reasonable political demand anyone could possibly make. It’s so reasonable it’s insane it even needs to be made. You don’t get to cry if people don’t support your candidate because they didn’t meet that ridiculously reasonable demand.

It’s maddening how liberals are acting like those who want an arms embargo against a regime that’s presently committing genocide are making some kind of outlandish demand. It was freakish enough in 2016 and 2020 when they did this to progressives who wanted basic things like universal healthcare that everyone has in normal countries, but now they’re actually taking the same “well you’ve got to be reasonable with your demands” tone over people who want an end to GENOCIDE.

If you tell people it’s unreasonable to demand an end to a genocide that’s only possible because of your government, you are telling them they need to tear down the entire system which gave rise to this situation. You are telling them they have no other choice but to radicalize against everything you stand for. That’s not people like me who are telling them this — it’s you.

I have written thousands of essays and millions of words trying to wake people up to the tyranny of the US-centralized empire we live under, but I have never written anything more effective at radicalizing people against imperial status quo politics than the supposedly “left-wing” political party of the world’s most powerful government telling people it’s unreasonable to demand that it stop committing genocide.........more........

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