a post about matt bracken and when the music stops;
This post is much longer than future posts I will make. Why!? Who else could I possibly write about in my first post? Just one name comes to mind… Matthew Bracken, former Navy SEAL Officer who led SEAL Teams in the Middle East and has become an AUTHOR EXTRAORDINAIRE. If he was a Globalist Stooge, like all most all famous Authors infusing and seasoning their literary works with woke agenda, his name would be a household mention around the world. Aside from the above, I believe Matt Bracken saved thousands of European lives from certain terror. This post is long because of my respect and admiration for the man. In short… “I owe him… the Europeans owe him!”
Early on, Matt pulled his ballcap down firmly on his head against the hurricane winds of ideological “the Constitution is outdated” bullshytte. Matt continues to promote and cherish the sacrifice of what our Forefathers had so brilliantly conceived and laid out with checks and balances to allow coming generations of Americans to live in unbroken peaceful freedom free from tyranny.
Much of it now has been trampled on and is ignored by forces of tyranny, but it has been America’s great experiment in Individual Liberties. It has been the greatest mass experiment of its kind ever in the recorded history of this world. Good God! Even though I’m some 10 years older than Matt, he has formed some of my later-in-life character. We had both worked as welders and had a common thread there. But he built his own steel yacht and sailed it by himself to Guam….. what!?
Holy schnikes! The average person would never do that, but his drop-dead-gorgeous wife had just been stationed in Guam and his deck hands jumped ship on him in Panama, scared of the voyage. Matt’s far from your average guy. Not to be deterred, Matt pulled his ballcap down firmly on his head against the wild and unpredictable winds of the Pacific Ocean and set course. The man’s gotta have steel balls the size of grapefruits. Sailed straight to Guam by his lonesome.
Matt Bracken warns you of the dystopian future, that he paints a picture of in many hues and shades of color in his books and essays. Like Queenie said in the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” “…Ya never know what’s comin’ for ya!” True to a degree.
But to get a good idea… to “know what’s comin’ for ya” go to…more........
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