Saturday, September 21, 2024

 mr peters says it well especially with his line about corn in a dung pile;

Many of us who are not communists are – maybe hopeful isn’t the right word – at least wanting him rather than her to ascend to the elected monarchy Americans still refer to, out of habit, as the presidency.

Because, of course, Trump is at least not a communist. It’s a measure of our desperation. Like a starving man wanting that piece of corn he sees in a pile of dung. Better than nothing. Trump is what we all know he is. But he has the virtue of not being her (or him, the thing from Minnesota that would be second-in-line should she ascend to the monarchy).

Anyhow, many of us hope it might be better. But what if it got even worse?

What if that’s what the communists intend?

Imagine the scenario. Trump manages to not lose to Harris, a thing that ought to be easy but isn’t because Trump’s appeal is limited to those who voted for him last time, which isn’t enough to keep him from losing again, this time. Maybe – given how bad things are for most people now – more people who didn’t vote for him last time will this time. Maybe enough to make it too blatant to deny him a win, this time. This is certainly a reasonable plan – and supposition.

Will the communists abide it?

Does a goose shit all over the lawn?...........more......

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