Friday, September 13, 2024

 larry johnson sees things that the federalies would prefer he not, and here's some of his items of notice today. he's no longer using youtube but is now with bitchute and rumble;

This should be setting off alarm bells at the Pentagon and USEUCOM (US European Command) and NATO. But, I think that the military lightweights infesting these various commands have persuaded themselves that Moscow is just blowing hot air. This is the kind of miscalculation that can lead to reckless decisions on the part of NATO and Ukraine.

While Putin is leaving no doubt about the position of Russia if such weapons are used, the reality on the ground in Ukraine is turning more dire for Ukraine with each passing day. Russia is announcing the capture of at least three settlements a day in the Donbass and is moving forward with determined lethality in the Kursk region. There is nothing that Ukraine can do, even with support from NATO, to alter the path to defeat.

Shifting to Syria, I post the following for your entertainment. Some lame, testosterone-deprived UN press flack was metaphorically smacked around by an Asian reporter, who demanded an answer about US hypocrisy by placing its troops in Syria without the permission of the Syrian Government..........more..........

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