Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 i have questions about haitians and other 'immigrants' here in the empire;

Springfield Ohio was invaded by 20,000 Haitian barbarians. The town only had 60,000 people prior to the invasion.

  1. Who made the money by shipping them to this small town?
  2. How much did Catholic Charities make for facilitating the invasion?
  3. How are they getting driver’s licenses since they do not know how to drive? Are they driving without licenses?
  4. How are they getting cars to drive?
  5. Who is employing these people?
  6. Are they registered to vote when they get their driver’s license?
  7. Does Hillary Clinton get first dibs on their children?
  8. How many other towns were targeted for invasion?
  9. Which town is next on the government’s list?
  10. How do we end this?.......more...........

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