Monday, September 2, 2024

 where do you stand on things like this we might wonder;

A portion of a comment on this site:

Our children and grandchildren should ask us the question “Daddy what did you do to stop this?”

Current NC Renegade Blog answer “I didn’t vote in dirty politics”.

People beg the question, troll, cause division or just have preconceived assumptions concerning other people, issues or power structures. I am not making any such claims to the above but I do want to address some points that I should have addressed more often.

  1. People have to understand that operational security should be your primary responsibility. Why should anyone need to know your plans, supplies, community resources or communications networks? Anyone who asks or try to provoke you to gain information is not to be trusted for obvious reasons.
  2. Do not let yourself be badgered into making bad decisions. You can always walk away from an evil government, a weak church, bad people or any bad relationship. Stating that you have no other viable choices means you do not have the strength to change your circumstances. Free will is a cornerstone of a good people: do not waste or marginalize it.
  3. The longer our overlords rule us through tyranny, the harder and bloodier the impending war will be. Look at how easily we are controlled by lockdowns, laws, regulations, taxation and inflation caused by government waste and overspending.
  4. Our selected political class is evil. I will point out one glaring aspect: we are on the verge of WWIII caused by the Obama/Biden criminal network to enrich themselves financially and take unbridled power. The latest response of Congress was to take a five week vacation........more.......

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