Friday, September 13, 2024

 pcr believes that the current 'selection' process will not be a positive for the citizens unless the orange man is the winner;

The ability to speak truth in American is rapidly declining. This website is one of the few that still speaks truth. Support it or you will live in the dark of a controlled narrative existence.

The Trump-Kamala “Debate” Left Untouched What Is Really At Stake

Paul Craig Roberts, September 13, 2024

What we need to understand about American presidential elections is that normally the candidates of both parties are chosen by the ruling elites. Therefore, it matters not to them who is elected.

Trump is hated by the ruling elites because he took the nomination away from their list of approved Republican candidates in 2016, and they have been trying to get rid of him ever since.

Trump is dangerous to the ruling establishment because he says he stands with the people against them.

In other words, this is not an election contest between Republicans and Democrats. It is about who controls the US government–the people or the ruling elites.

I can say with complete confidence that for many decades the universities and law schools have undermined Americans’ beliefs in the US Constitution and in the belief system that is the basis of the United States. This undermining has had an effect on the American population. Democrat members of the population are convinced that white Americans, especially if they are southerners, are racists who have oppressed black Americans. They are also convinced that men oppress women. They are also convinced that the concept of sexual perversion is bigotry.........more........

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