i've read lots of stuff in the last six months or so that mirror this prediction with bits of evidence around the edges that lead me to suspect its the plan;
2025 to 2035 - The Plan is to Kill Off Over Half the Population, Then Shut Down the Power and Water Supplies in Rural Areas and Relocate the Survivors to Smart Cities
Every now and then the elite have a slip of the tongue and giveaway what is in their script. Gates said Plandemic 2 would be bioterror, which of course means it is false flag bioterror. A virus release will be blamed on Iran or NK, the virus will be designed to cause a potentially lethal immune response in the vaccinated, with non-neutralizing antibodies causing their own immune systems to kill them. The official story will be that the virus was deadly, even though it was the 1-2 combo of the vaccine and the virus which caused death, the deaths will be used to justify a major war, probably against Iran. After the world population has been decimated by the vaccine/virus combo, Agenda 21 will be stepped up like never before, with mass relocations of survivors to the cities, rural areas being walled off section by section.
According to the clues I have heard from elite members who are the ones most likely to know the script, this global transformation is due to occur over a 10 year period between 2025-2035. If this goes ahead it will not be a pleasant time to be alive, it will be a dark time for humanity, but it can still be stopped.......https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/m6ov2h/2025_to_2035_the_plan_is_to_kill_off_over_half/
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