Wednesday, March 24, 2021

 pcr makes some points about this 'racism' crap we're being fed. i grew up in a certain racist world in the fifties and sixties. it ain't the same place now and while racism certainly exists, and will always, in all directions, it ain't what is being claimed;

Paul Craig Roberts

White Gentile Americans Are Today’s Untermensch.

Two Georgetown University law professors in a private conversation between themselves expressed concern that  the students at the bottom of their classes were black.  I believe the professors had some concern for the black students, but I am confident their main concern was “what are we going to do?”  

In American universities and public schools today black under-performance of quota admission students is a serious and major problem for white professors and teachers.  If the lowest class grades are concentrated in the black population of a professor’s class, the university’s powerful diversity police will investigate.  Moreover, the diversity police will have to find at least insensitivity and a lack of concern if not racism.  The diversity police will do this because they have to justify their existence and budget and because they like to exercise power.  Moreover, if they don’t find a problem of some description, the black student union will cause an uproar, and the diversity police will become part of the problem.

I suspect the two professors were feeling out the situation.  The question before them was: “How are we going to survive black underperformance in our class?”  Do we flunk one or two of the worst performers and work the rest of them in with the class with a B here, a C there, so that there is no pattern that can be ascribed to us as racism?  If we do this, we simply pass the problem on to the next professor, and it can continue until it becomes the bar association’s problem when Georgetown’s law graduates sit for the bar more......

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