Tuesday, March 23, 2021

and there's much evidence that the 'shootings' during sain't obama's reign were false flags: intentional to sway opinion by those behind the scenes with a mission. two posts in a row here that seem to be a pair;

 All of a sudden we’re seeing mass shootings/reports of armed gunmen like we haven’t seen in almost 5 years..

It’s almost as if there’s active gun control legislation sitting in congress that an “event” or several “events” would help create a perceived need to get it passed in the senate.

Did you know that during Obama’s terms in office that the United States of America saw more mass shootings than under any other administration? It’s probably just a coincidence that back then we had the UN Arms Treaty sitting in congress that they tried mightily to pass, but could never get it done.

Fast forward to today, the H.R.8 - Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021 is very similar to the UN Arms Treaty in that it creates a massive registry and also puts a ban on many “assault rifles.” And I only put it in quotes because “assault” is egregiously added to drive a fear based narrative; at the end of the day they’re simply rifles.

Some questions..

How would you feel if you found out that the majority of these violent mass shootings were in fact manufactured in a sinister attempt to significantly disarm the masses?

What if these events weren’t as naturally occurring as we’ve been conditioned to perceive them to be?

It’s a fact that the House recently voted to pass H.R.8 and now it moves to the Senate. Is it really by sheer coincidence we’re suddenly seeing events happening one right after another when we had significant regression the 4 years prior?..........https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/maz2k7/all_of_a_sudden_were_seeing_mass_shootingsreports/

Only four days ago a judge struck down a Boulder city assault riffle ban setting the stage for the state Supreme Court to decide

Can’t help but feel like there’s something far more sinister going on than we’re being told.

With the H.R.8 gun control looming in the senate, would we really put it past the government to gather public support with manufactured events to justify gun control legislation?.........https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/mb4532/only_four_days_ago_a_judge_struck_down_a_boulder/

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