Tuesday, December 3, 2019

the woodpile report comes out every tuesday morning and i go to it asap, as there's always treats to be found there such as what ol' remus provides below, with, i'm sure, much more below as he promises;

A proposed bill in the Virginia State Senate proposes to prosecute "paramilitary activity", meaning any assembly for training or practicing with a firearm, other lethal device or technique with intent of enabling "civil disorder". An "assembly" is specified as two or more persons. Intent is not defined so we can assume it means the accused must produce "proof of innocence" or stand convicted.
The lightly informed citizen relies on law as written and assumes similar good faith by law enforcement and prosecutors. But the law is never the law, the law is what prosecutors say it is. Law enforcement doesn't enforce the law, it enforces what prosecutors say is the law. This is the only law that matters. In time, the law drifts towards the prosecutor's version, which is invariably the most arbitrary and punitive version.
Consider this. Driving without wearing a seatbelt was, at the beginning, an additional charge when an actionable law was violated. No one was stopped and cited only for not wearing a seatbelt. Now it's an offense in itself. Hate crimes were also additional charges appended only to an actionable offense. They were, in fact, considered only at sentencing for a real crime. They now stand on their own. For an extreme example, saying "illegal alien" in New York City is a hate crime with a quarter-million dollar fine.
This bill is a plug-and-play for distribution to other states with sockets designed to fit seamlessly with the Patriot Act at a future date. The intent is to prevent the armed citizen from associating with his peers by threatening him and his organizations with prosecution as terrorists.
There's much more on this below...........http://woodpilereport.com/

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