Friday, December 20, 2019

pastor chuck baldwin speaks here about trump attempting to void the first amendment when it comes to joos;

Trump's executive order—deceptively called “An Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism”—issued this past week, will empower the federal Department of Education to withhold funding to college campuses that do not squash anti-Israel rhetoric. In other words, it is now official government policy to deny college students and faculty members their Natural and constitutional right to criticize—especially and primarily if they criticize any and all things Israel. This will also doubtless include speech that supports Palestinian rights. 
Trump also declared that the religion of Judaism is a nationality or ethnicity and is beyond criticism. Can you imagine the outcry if he had declared Christianity to be a nationality?
Plus, by issuing this Executive Order, Donald Trump has made every Christian and non-Jew in the United States a second-class citizen. But don’t expect Robert Jeffress and his gaggle of Christian Zionists to figure that out.
I have said repeatedly that Donald Trump is America's first Zionist president. And Trump's actions continue to prove that statement true.
Trump's latest attack against the Constitution—specifically the First Amendment—is just his latest sellout to Israel. I'll say it straight out: Donald Trump is not trying to make America great; he is trying to make Israel great.
By the way, I’m glad to see that rabid Jewish Zionist, Mark Levin, agrees with me. At the signing ceremony of this draconian executive order, Levin called Trump “the first Jewish President of the United States.”
Even casual research will easily discover that Trump’s family is dominated by Jewish Zionists, as is his circle of friends and business associates. What a coincidence..........

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