Monday, December 23, 2019

a surprise post from videorebel quickly on the heels of his previous one, and this one is centered on health, diet and such, and a most excellent one at that;

“Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all.” Voltaire
“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of disease.”
Rudolf Virchow, father of modern pathology.
6 in 10 adults in the US have a chronic disease. 4 in 10 adults have multiple chronic diseases. 54% of American children have  chronic illness. America has the sickest population in the world. A woman who speaks to audiences around the world reported that Americans do not appear to be as vibrant and healthy as people in foreign countries.
An allergy is a response to the presence of a foreign protein. Do you think that the rise in allergies is related at least in part to the 72 injections of 17 different vaccines?
Older people did not know what autism was until state laws starting mandating 72 shots for children before they graduate from high school.
The German Federal Supreme Court has ruled that there is not enough evidence to prove that the measles virus exists. The world’s largest and leading genetic Institute and other independent labs have both concluded that the 6 studies in measles virus case were wrong. They have misinterpreted ordinary constituents of cells as parts of the suspected measles virus. Labs had sued to collect a 100,00 euro prize to disprove Dr Lanka’s criticism of the measles virus theory.  Dr Lanka won in the Supreme Court.
So we are exposed to vaccines based on a scientifically tenuous proposition?..........

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