Tuesday, December 17, 2019

every tuesday morning i find gems at the woodpilereport such as the snip below;

The impeachment procedure: verdict first, then closing arguments, then a trial.
Why must the economy grow to be 'healthy'? Answer: to pay interest.
Whenever the FBI's betrayal of their mandate is discussed, someone is bound to say the workaday agents are still trustworthy professionals. How do they know this and why should I believe them? I'd like to believe it's true, but I have no way of knowing. Until I do, I remain unconvinced.
In my and the public mind, fear has replaced respect, as the NKVD, Gestapo and Stasi were feared. Their workaday agents faithfully "followed orders" too. Today these malodorous outfits are rightly seen as criminal enterprises for their reprehensible methods and the malicious laws they enforced.....http://woodpilereport.com/

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