Thursday, March 14, 2019

its time to present your daily 'thin blue line' extravaganza and ask you how would you deal with this if it happened to you or your girlfriend;

A disturbing lawsuit was filed last year in federal court detailing a horrifying nightmare endured by an innocent woman at the hands of San Antonio police. The victim, Natalie D. Simms had her tampon pulled out by police who then conducted a vaginal cavity search—in public and on video—all to search for non-existent drugs. Now, according to her attorney, we are learning that the local government has been spending thousands of taxpayer dollars to protect the officers involved. 
The Law Offices of Dean Malone issued a press release on Monday explaining how the city has “spent countless hours litigating the case, defending depositions, taking depositions, and drafting motions.”
They also asked the court to grant summary judgement against Ms. Simms, which would mean a jury would never be able to hear her case.
Constitutional rights attorney Dean Malone, who represents Ms. Simms, said, “It is unfortunate that a San Antonio resident could be subjected to such a search, and then further be subjected to lengthy litigation with no attempt by the Defendants to resolve the case. The Defendants have spent untold thousands of dollars, and are now attempting to avoid a jury trial through their latest-filed motions. Natalie was humiliated and degraded by the search. If the court chooses to deny the Defendants’ motions, we look forward to presenting Natalie’s horrific ordeal to a jury in San Antonio.”
As we reported last year, in 2016, Natalie Simms had done nothing wrong, she had harmed no one, and had committed no crime when she was approached by San Antonio’s finest who had a hunch that she might have an illegal substance.
She had no such substance.
In spite of being completely innocent, Simms was approached by a male cop as she waited for her boyfriend who then demanded to search her car. Simms consented to the search and nothing was found. Continuing to rely on a hunch, the male cop called in a female officer to search Simms. Officer Mara Wilson responded and this normal police harassment then turned into a nightmare........

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