America is embarking down a deeply troubling path in regard to publishing, sharing, and consuming information. The end of this path is something that tyrannical regimes throughout history have fought vigorously for as it allows them to control the public narrative and ensure ideas that challenge their rule are stomped out of existence forever in a brutal campaign of censorship.
Because we all know what censorship is and the darkness to which it leads, one would think that all free societies would oppose it. However, one would be wrong.
This week, we watched tech giants like Facebook, Google, Apple, and Spotify wipe the vitriolic Alex Jones from the face of their platforms. The power of these four companies wield to effectively wipe out an entire organization all within a 12 hour time frame is as immense as it is chilling. Sadly, because Jones was so vitriolic, this ominous precedent was carried out without resistance and with overwhelming support.
So what?
If you don’t like what Alex Jones is saying, do what the majority of people in this country do—don’t listen to him. When you move to silence someone because you disagree with what they say—because it offends you or hurts your feelings—you become an enemy of free speech.
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