Sunday, August 12, 2018

 the entire post is pasted here speaking about how the hildabeest complaining the russians stole her victory. every day the frogs find the water to be warmer but still make no noise about it as the waters are fine, but soon they'll be warmer than the frogs will enjoy. the constitution is being taken away like the magician takes a table cloth from a fully set table with out making a mess, as no one is looking;

Source: The Duran

It started with Hillary Clinton floating out the big lie, that 17 US intelligence agencies are “confident” that Russia hacked DNC servers and John Podesta email accounts, in a Kremlin plot to elect Donald Trump as President of the United States.
Fast forward two years later and witness Silicon Valley tech giants colluding in a span of 12 hours to de-platform Infowars and Alex Jones.
These are not isolated incidences. The one gave us the other.
The Deep State’s chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost to the ultimate outsider, Donald Trump. All eyes, and all lies, turned to the perennial scapegoat Russia.
This time the elitist plan was more sinister than ever. Why let a good lie like ‘Russia election meddling’ go to waste?
While the Deep State was whipping up hatred, racism, and bigotry towards Russians, conservative and libertarian media sources were deemed ‘hate speech’ and ‘islamophobes’, found guilty by tech billionaires and their globalist master of committing actions over the internet that threaten the “survival” of American Democracy.
Much like those pesky and evil Russians, conservative and libertarian voices need to be silenced.
RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle, Editor-in-Chief of The Duran Alexander Mercouris, and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou discuss how Russia hysteria kicked, off by Hillary Clinton’s “17 intelligence agencies” lies, has now morphed into an Orwellian social media purge.

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