Friday, August 24, 2018

 every time i think 'my fellow americans' have descended as deeply into 'the stupid' as you can go, they surprise me and dig a deeper hole;

It’s easy to detect fake news. I don’t need a fact checker or a laboratory at a globalist think tank to clue me in.

Here’s the latest fake news: Both Russia and Iran want to influence the midterm elections. 
It’s lunacy to believe this would make a difference, even if it were true.
The story was posted at one of the more notorious fake news sites - The New York Times, the folks who sold you WMDs and the invasion of Iraq. 
Facebook passed this info on to the Gray Lady of Propaganda.
Facebook said it had identified a new political influence campaign on its platform that appeared intended to disrupt the midterm elections. The social network found and took down 652 fake accounts and pages that were trying to sow discord around social issues… Some of the accounts in the new influence campaign originated in Iran and Russia, Facebook said.
This latest threat by people who hate us for our freedoms - as George W. Bush so pointedly phrased it - follows a similar claim last month. 
The campaign’s scale exceeded that of another influence operation that Facebook revealed last month, in which the company said it detected and removed 32 pages and fake accounts that had engaged in activity around divisive social issues ahead of the midterms.
Elections always arouse heated discussion on divisive issues and have done so since the founding of the (former) republic. Establishment Republicans and Democrats use the media as an influence tool and it is accepted as normal behavior. Billions are spent every election cycle to influence voters one way or the other.

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