Wednesday, August 22, 2018

the following is part of something i've been working on for a while intending to send to my local electronic fishwrap. there's too much i've got to send there in the space they've alloted me so here it is for you to consider; 
We choose to believe things simply because it makes us feel better. We complain and say ‘Someone ought to do something about that’ but it’s rarely ourselves that we believe should be the one to act and so we choose ‘leaders’, who say they’ll fix things for us without any real need for us to get personally involved. The real conspiracy, the thing that controls people more than anything, is the belief that has been instilled into them that there are others more important than them and that they’re just little people who have no power. That someone else should fix things. The real truth is that it’s the ‘little people’ in this world who hold all the power. It’s through the labor and effort of ‘consumers’ that the system is able to function at all, and so it’s the people who hold all the cards. The problem is that most are unaware they’re even in the game. If they do ever discover they are, they often don’t know which side they are on or who on earth they can trust to shine some light on the rules for them. Once they could turn to the independent media and find some reasonable answers. But in this ‘age of information’ those days seem to now be fast disappearing.
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” American elites have spent a very long time convincing us that there are no elites. The fact is though, every society has an elite and it’s usually a stable, semi-permanent one. The people in charge tend to stay in charge. Elites tend to get what they want. One of the benefits of being in charge is you get to shape the institutions you control. It’s something to keep in mind when thinking about the war on men or the waves of anti-white agitation we see in the media. Today’s crazy elite culture is tomorrow’s new normal. The real reason elites tend to get what they want is they’re smarter, better socialized and they have greater access to the stock of knowledge relevant to being in charge. Americans despise the idea of the ruling elite, so those in charge spend a lot of time pretending they don’t exist. It’s why our ‘democracy’ works so well. The people keep voting for different illusions, but the people in charge never change. That’s what we’re seeing with hurricane Trump now. The bad cop/worse cop game we see in our politics isn’t a bug. It’s a feature. The process of voting has been played by the ruling class such that the results are fixed. No matter which candidate you choose, you get the same results, because the candidates are owned by the same people. Behind the mask of sanity and morality displayed by the Empire there’s a “deep state” moved by an insatiable thirst for power and uninhibited by any moral conscience or empathy; this pathological deep state is today in almost complete control of American foreign policy.
Israel has drawn America into wars which weren’t in their strategic interest, and which actually jeopardize American national security. It was true about Iraq, and it’s true about Syria. The Neocons, the overwhelmingly dominant force in the American deep state are Zionists. America isn’t controlling Israel’s foreign and colonial policy; it has failed to do so whenever it tried, and it has now stopped trying. Instead, as Ariel Sharon famously said one month after 9/11: “We, the Jews, control America, and the Americans know it.” The very fact that this outrageous statement was quickly buried makes its point self-evident: Zionist power is the ability to get non-Jews to stop talking about Jewish power.
Imperial Washington has no regard for honest history: only its own self-serving narrative and need for enemies and missions to justify $800 billion per year for the machinery of war and empire.
“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” “Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.” Edward Abbey
Hurricane trump has all the salient qualities of a multi-colored beach ball.

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