every so often my local electronic fishwrap publishes one of my 'letters' aka, article. here is the latest with the rest at the link;
American politicians and media talk of regime change in Iran as if
it’s their divine right, and actively do so about countries worldwide.
Most Americans think the 1979 seizure of the American Embassy in Tehran
by Islamist revolutionaries was the start of the Empire-Iran conflict.
‘Consumers’ don’t know that those Iranians were reacting to seventy
years of American/British interference in their country in which Iran’s
oil resources and people were terribly exploited by the Empire and
brutally oppressed by an American installed dictator some of that time.
Winston Churchill, as a naval cabinet official, began abusing Iran
before WWI using the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, known today as BP,
stealing Iran’s oil to fuel Britain’s warships. During WWII British and
American actions caused the death of large numbers of Iranians. The
Empire was then replacing Britain as the world’s superpower. State
Department official Wallace Murray described America’s intentions in
1942: “The obvious fact is that we shall soon be in the position of
actually running Iran.”
In 1951 Iran’s citizens, perhaps encouraged by Truman’s promise to
“assist free people to work out their own destinies in their own way”,
elected Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh as prime minister. Mossadegh fought
Western exploitation, nationalized Anglo-Iranian Oil, expelled British
technicians and broke off diplomatic relations with London. His was the
most popular and democratic government Iranians have ever known: Time
naming him its Man of the Year for 1951, called him “the Iranian George
The British were furious and plotted to remove Iran’s democratically
elected government hoping for American help. Truman opposed it but
Eisenhower didn’t. Eisenhower’s secretary of state, John Foster Dulles,
whose brother Allen Dulles was director of the CIA, wanted Mossadegh
out. Both brothers had been attorneys at a law firm that represented
Anglo-Iranian Oil.
The CIA launched Operation Ajax in 1953 headed by Kermit Roosevelt,
inciting street violence creating revolution. Americans got access to
Iranian oil, the Shah was given his throne and Mossadegh was imprisoned.
Iran’s oil was again controlled by foreigners. America claimed all of
this was done to prevent Iran from “going communist”. A 1953 State
Department report concluded that Mossadegh had no communist sympathies
and had opposed Soviet meddling. Iran’s main communist party had opposed
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