Sunday, August 12, 2018

this writer always seems to have useful and accurate info in all i've read herein. there are several items here that may be useful for you in future;

A leaf 100 feet (30.5 meters) up in a tree needs Calcium. It sends that message down the tree to its roots where it is delivered to the biological life teeming in the soil which in turn fills the leaf’s need in exchange for sugars the leaves made during photosynthesis. The leaf receives its Calcium 90 seconds after its initial request. And the soil receives its Carbon from the earth and sun above.
Did anyone ever teach you that in high school?
We do not yet know every detail of how trees and plants make these trades billions of times daily but understanding this could save lives. Normally, I write about economics. My position is clear. If we do not arrest the Bankers, seize the $50 trillion plus dollars they stole from us and use that money to fund Debt Cancellation – a Jubilee as the Biblical writers would phrase it – we will soon be dying by the billions.
Today I want to talk about another looming disaster. We will soon face an agricultural deficit that could have dire consequences.
We are headed into another Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) in 2019. The Maunder Minimum (1645 – 1715) was named for Edward and Ann Marie Maunder who discovered that the sun was producing fewer solar spots. This was linked to declining crop yields. Temperatures declined only slightly but we now know there are other things that happen to the earth during a GSM.

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