Monday, July 9, 2018

 i love this guys blog. sporadic postings but always spot on;

Tony Farrell was the chief intelligence adviser to the South Yorkshire police. One of his duties was to write reports on terrorist threats to the British people. He investigated the 7-7-2005 London bombings and the 9-11-2001 attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center Towers. His conclusion was that the greatest terrorist threat to the people of Great Britain and America was their government.
Mr Farrell’s boss was the Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police, Merdydd John Hughes. Mr Hughes fired Tony Farrell rather than investigate the truth of his allegations.
Recently, a new edition of 7-7 Ripple Effect has been published online. It makes detailed charges against the British government and Mossad as being the perpetrators of the 7-7- 2005 London subway bombings. The Labour government had just lost a special election in a safe area of Wales. The British people had grown weary of fighting wars in the Mideast for America and hence Israel.
On the morning of 7-7-2005 four Muslim men were alleged to have met at Luton station to begin their suicide terror campaign if you believe the government version of the events of that day. As proof, they offer a photo of the 4 men but no CCTV footage.  This is not credible as all stations, trains and buses have multiple cameras. If the British government has no videos, then that could only mean that the men were not where they were alleged to have been.

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