Sunday, September 22, 2024

 rachel has some 'splaining to do opposing this thing as it seems that she doesn't know what she speaks of;

On Friday, the Georgia State Election Board passed rule 181-1-12-.12 by a 3-2 vote, as reported yesterday  .  The rule would require precincts to hand-count their physical paper ballots and reconcile them with the number of voters recorded on the electronic poll pads in that particular precinct.

In the 2020 General Election in Georgia, there were several counties that were off by hundreds, and in some instances thousands of votes that were discovered during the hand recount on November 16th.  Until that handcount, more than 6,000 voters did nothave their vote counted because of some ‘unknown’ error.

The new rule passed by the State Election Board would drastically reduce the possibility of such an error occurring by requiring the precinct to ensure they have the same number of ballots as people who voted in that precinct.

This didn’t stop MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow from melting down on air, falsely claiming there’s “radical stuff going on in Georgia,” and in a Kamala-esque word salad claiming that it would “create real election problems for real.”  Maddow claimed that they are going to “try to make Georgia take months to count.”

Unfortunately for Maddow, whoever feeds her her nightly talking points didn’t actually listen to the State Election Board hearing or just flat out doesn’t understand what this rule does.  Apparently, Maddow and her handlers think that “hand-count” means that they are going to tabulate the votes by hand…the same way we did for two centuries before the invention of privately owned black-box voting machines with secret code that should do nothing more than increment by 1..........more.......

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