Monday, September 16, 2024

 monday kunstler and he's thinking lots of deep state things;

Pre-blog Note: My regular website,, has been down more than a week. We’re frustrated trying to get straight answers from the host company, only vague references to “a hardware problem.” We begin to suspect that the Three-letter boys might have seized the server unit my website lived on. We’re still standing by on developments. For now, the blog is here for you on Substack, every Monday and Friday. Thanks for your support through this travail.

“Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race. I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap.” — Brandon Smith

This time, the shooter lives to do some ‘splainin’. Do you wonder if he might get around to ‘splainin’ his role with the shady non-governmental orgs (NGOs) supported by the CIA who enabled his travels to Ukraine and his efforts there recruiting global mutts to fight for the Nazi-ish Azov Battalion? Perhaps he might rat-out actual government officials who assisted him in his colorful misadventures? As Ed Snowden remarked on “X”, wannabe Trump assassin Ryan Routh has “something of an Oswald vibe” — meaning, well-groomed by the intel boys, to be used as required.

     Perhaps we’ll find out — if nothing fatal happens to befall Mr. Routh while in custody — how exactly he learned Mr. Trump would be on the links that afternoon? The candidate’s round of golf that day was supposedly a snap decision known only amongst his innermost circle. Or how did Mr. Routh figure out the most advantageous fairway to lay at for a clear shot? The FBI is on the case, you may be reassured to know.

    Things political are speeding up with the autumnal quickening. The blob is truly and deeply a’fright. So many blobsters will be liable to pay for their multitudinous crimes against the people of this country if Mr. Trump squeaks back into power that such a future is unthinkable to them. And yet, nothing has worked to deactivate this. . . this golden golem stalking the land. Nothing to show for the immense catalog of lawfare cases concocted to drain his wealth and stuff him into a prison cell — and astounding how amateurish they all were! Engoron and Merchan, two boobies hatched out of Judicial Error Central. Fani Willis, a walking-talking banana peel! Merrick Garland, saving democracy one abuse of power at a time!.......more.......

 twenty minutes with redacted covering lots of government crimes arranged around the immigration 'system'. much of what you see these days is a large coup in progress;


 ten minutes with redacted revealing how victoria nuland essentially started all of the ukraine tarbaby;


 tell us what she's saying and win a hundred dollars. you've got six minutes;


 show us how this ain't true but i bet you can't;

"As a people, Americans are coming to the realization that they are the most lied-to people on the face of the Earth, and that while our schools may propagandize us to assume everyone is truthful, the reality is that only the workers are predisposed to tell the truth, and everyone else, corporate leadership, politicians, academics, TV newscasters, lie to us so much and so constantly that Americans are just as much in the dark as to the true nature of their society as were Medieval serfs or Roman slaves." -- Michael Rivero

 russian media rep tells you how the empire has declared war on free speech. you see it at every turn. it won't be getting any better. its a curious thing after years here in the empire to see the russians tell us what we're already learning;

The US crackdown on Russian media amounts to a declaration of war on free speech, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday. She described the new sanctions against RT and other news outlets as “repressions unprecedented in scale.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced new sanctions against RT on Friday, accusing it of engaging in “covert influence activities” and “functioning as a de facto arm of Russian intelligence.” Earlier in September, Washington imposed sanctions on RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and three other senior RT employees over alleged attempts to influence the 2024 US presidential election.

“The US has declared war on freedom of speech throughout the world, turning to open threats and blackmail against other states in an effort to set them against the domestic media and establish sole control over the global information space,” Zakharova said, promising that the punitive measures Washington was using to target Russian media would not go unanswered. …...more..........

 an exploration of your owners;

How powerful is the Rothschild banking family? How did they amass their fortune? Just how rich are they? Do they secretly control the world? Sputnik explores.

Media-shy banking firm Rothschild & Co popped up in the news recently when it was revealed that it played a key role in restructuring over $20 bln in Ukrainian debt, including by arranging face-to-face meetings between Kiev officials and vulture funds like Black Rock and Amundi. The Rothschilds are known to have played an active role in carving up Ukraine’s wealth since at least 2014 and the Euromaidan coup.

But in the global scheme of things, despite its rich black soil and immense resource wealth, Ukraine may be just a side project for the banking family, whose role in the creation of the modern international financial order goes back to the 18th century, when German banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his five sons forged a global banking empire with offices in Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna and Naples.

Emerging in the heyday of European colonial empires, the Rothschilds cashed in on the vast wealth flowing to the continent to create merchant and private banking, asset management, venture capital, commodities, insurance, sovereign debt, media, transport, real estate, pharmaceuticals, mining, and energy enterprises.

Establishing close ties to the British Crown, Mayer and his sons played an instrumental role in financing and operating colonial megaprojects of the day, from the Suez Canal trade artery to the East India Company – the British imperial megacorporation which ruthlessly ruled over India as a private company through much of the 18th and 19th centuries, sucking out untold wealth............more..........









 a minute video you will want to see;


 another easy example here focused on why we have absolutely no trust in anything 'our' government says;

While speaking to "journalists" during a Friday press conference, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken patted himself on the back for securing the release of the Wall Street Journal's Evan Gershkovich - telling them "Maybe the most striking part of spending time with Evan, is simply how wonderful it feels to see him free. Home where he belongs."

"Evan’s freedom is also a reminder of all Americans who are still held hostage or wrongfully detained," Blinken continued.

"We will not forget you, and we will not rest until we get you home."

It’s hard to overstate what an egregious display of sanctimonious hypocrisy this is when Blinken’s department wittingly neglected Gonzalo Lira — the California-born writer for mainstream financial outlets like Business Insider, Seeking Alpha, and even ZeroHedge — as he was tortured in a Ukrainian dungeon for eight months until his eventual death at the start of this year. State Spox Matthew Miller was aware of Lira being tortured for at least five of those months...........more........

 voting in the empire is a fools game as there's no honesty involved, and the powers that shouldn't be wonder why we don't believe them;

Some of us are old enough to remember that virtually every election in US history has been decided the same night - sometimes stretching into the wee hours, but we always woke up to the winner. That all changed in the 2020 'mail-in ballot' election, when several major Democrat cities stopped counting ballots at 9PM - in one instance because an alleged 'burst pipe' forced an evacuation in Fulton County, Georgia. Then there were ballot-counters in Detroit who covered windows with cardboard so that observers couldn't watch the count.

A brief review of election night malarkey from 2020:

  • Fulton County, Georgia (Atlanta):

    • Fulton County, where Atlanta is located, temporarily paused counting ballots around 10:30 p.m. on Election Night due to a burst water pipe earlier in the day that delayed the processing of absentee ballots at the State Farm Arena. While there were initial reports that the counting had stopped, election officials clarified that counting continued but at a slower pace with some workers leaving for the night.
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

    • Philadelphia, a critical city in Pennsylvania, saw intermittent pauses in the ballot-counting process. Officials announced they would stop counting for the night around 9 p.m. and resume the next morning. However, counting continued throughout the night at a reduced pace to process the large volume of mail-in and absentee ballots.
  • Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh):

    • Allegheny County also paused counting around midnight on Election Night due to a court order involving around 29,000 ballots that required special handling. Counting resumed the following day after the specific issue was resolved.
  • Milwaukee County, Wisconsin:

    • Milwaukee, another key city, saw Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by 109,000 votes - until an overnight count of roughly 170,000 mail-in votes gave Biden a lead of 11,000 votes.
  • Maricopa County, Arizona (Phoenix):

    • In Maricopa County, GOP chairwoman Linda Brickman on Nov. 30 testified before members of the Arizona State Legislature that she personally observed votes for President Donald Trump being tallied as votes for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden when input into Dominion machines...........more........

 caitlin sees things more accurately than many of my 'fellow americans';

Another Trump assassination attempt has been foiled by the Secret Service, this time with the would-be assassin alive and in police custody. His name is Ryan Routh. 

Unlike the last aspiring assassin, this one didn’t get off a shot, and has a much more public profile. The Grayzone has a report out documenting Routh’s extensive involvement in efforts to recruit volunteers to fight in the war in Ukraine, a cause he has been highly ideologically dedicated to.

Just like last time Trump’s political opponents who’ve been melodramatically claiming Trump is going to end American democracy and install himself as a dictator for life are condemning political violence and expressing relief that he’s okay. Kamala HarrisChuck SchumerHakeem Jeffries and Bernie Sanders have all tweeted statements to this effect. .........more..........

 in case you're still capable of being surprised;


 you can be sure that the next two months are gonna be fun filled with lots of exciting turns for some, except it won't be fun for us;

Tucker Carlson: “If they think that there’s a chance that Trump could win decisively enough in November that they can’t steal it, then I think their only option there is to in some way throw the society into chaos as they did during COVID which was the pretext for changing the way we vote and letting people vote anonymously without IDs and drop boxes and a month before the election.

They completely changed everything allowing Mark Zuckerberg to spend $400 million to control the mechanics of the election. That would not have been allowed except under a state of national emergency provided them by the virus they created in a lab in Wuhan, COVID.

It’s pretty simple. If they feel like they’re gonna lose we will have some kind of crisis. I think it’s most likely to be a war with Iran which they want anyway, but who knows.”

i don't think much of greg hunter but he frequently has excellent guests that shine no matter how he fumbles; 

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia.  Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.”  Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight.  2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.”  Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia. 

Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine.

There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times:  “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.”

Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis.  This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia.  The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’   That’s the bottom line.  All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III.  This will not be getting any better.”.........more..........

 so how did the second shooter know when and where the orange man would be. this appears to be how;

A source tells me the leak of Trump's whereabouts is coming from Homeland Security, not USSS. Homeland Security is leaking location details to FBI, and FBI is running the assassins. The entire top leadership of the FBI is desperately trying to figure out how to eliminate Trump, while the loyal elements of US Secret Service are trying to stop it. Homeland Security and US State Dept are full-on treasonous criminal ops at this point. If Homeland can't eliminate Trump soon, State Dept will make sure a war begins with Russia. If they fail, hundreds of top people within FBI and Homeland are going to either flee the country or be criminally prosecuted under a Trump presidency. This is what's at stake...........

 The average IQ of Haiti is 67. This means the country is mildly mentally retarded........

 the zionists are doing everything they can imagine to put their name, and israel's, at the head of the worst nation on earth line;

According to CNN:

The Israeli military has desecrated at least 16 cemeteries in its ground offensive in Gaza,… leaving gravestones ruined, soil upturned, and, in some cases, bodies unearthed…

In Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, where fighting escalated earlier this week, Israeli forces destroyed a cemetery, removing bodies in what the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told CNN was part of a search for the remains of hostages seized by Hamas during the October 7 terror attacks. CNN

Why are they doing this?

The IDF has produced no evidence of hostages, land mines, tunnels, weapons-caches or Hamas militants. It’s all an excuse to destroy the plots of land where people bury their loved ones. But, why? These graveyards pose no security threat to the IDF or to the Israeli state. They’re just cemeteries.

CNN has reviewed satellite imagery and social media footage showing the destruction of cemeteries and witnessed it firsthand while traveling with the IDF in a convoy. Together the evidence reveals a systemic practice where Israeli ground forces have advanced across the Gaza Strip.

The intentional destruction of religious sites, such as cemeteries, violates international law, except under narrow circumstances relating to that site becoming a military objective, and legal experts told CNN that Israel’s acts could amount to war crimes. CNN.......more.........

 there has been an ongoing federal trial in tampa accusing this group of a crime, convicting them but saying at the same time they aren't guilty. very curious;

In the last week, I have been writing about the federal prosecution of a group named the African People’s Socialist Party and its related Uhuru movement:

A Federal Prosecution in Florida Is Keeping Us Safe from the Russkies
First They Came for the Communists
Tampa Trial on Free Speech Exposes U.S. Hypocrisy

The group has long criticized the U.S. national-security state and its foreign policy, including with respect to Ukraine, and the feds retaliated by prosecuting the group for failing to register as agents of the Russian government. The feds alleged that the defendants were doing the bidding of the Russian government by “sowing discord” in America’s political process by promoting political views that were contrary to those of the U.S. government and favorable to those of the Russian government.

Yesterday, the jury returned with a truly bizarre verdict — (1) not guilty of failing to register with the U.S. government as Russian agents but (2) guilty of conspiring to fail to register with the U.S. government as Russian agents.

The second charge — the conspiracy charge — arises out of a catchall federal offense that is always added to every federal criminal indictment. The conspiracy offense makes it a crime for people to agree to commit another offense. (I’ve sometimes wondered whether it’s a federal crime to conspire to conspire to commit an offense.)

The main benefit of the conspiracy charge is that it enables federal prosecutors to offer a plea bargain to the people who are indicted. The conspiracy charge carries a maximum penalty of 5 years, which is oftentimes less than the penalty for the substantive charges. For example, the penalty for not registering as a Russian agent is 10 years.

Yesterday, the jury acquitted the defendants of the substantive charge. That is, they found them not guilty of failing to register as agents of the Russian government. But that necessarily means that the jury found that the defendants were not agents of the Russian government. If the jury had found that they were agents of the Russian government, they would have had to convict them for failing to register as agents of the Russian government.........more.........

 larry johnson says there are assassins running about;

Within the last 48 hours, individuals with close ties to Ukraine have carried out two assassination attempts. The first was a failed “character” assassination, with yours truly as the target. The second, once again, targeted former President Donald Trump with an AK-47 rifle (known in Democrat circles as an assault rifle). Both attempts were botched.

Let’s start with me. I think it qualifies as “character assassination.” The Voice of America published a hit piece on me late on Friday the 13th, written by Leonid Martynyuk. It’s title? Russian state media amplify ex-CIA analyst’s false claims to promote pro-Kremlin narratives.

And I thought I was a nobody. An insignificant pimple on a gnat’s ass. Nope. According to Martynyuk, I am the man driving Russia’s narrative and keeping Vladimir Putin’s spirits up. Martynyuk provides a fascinating overview of my ubiquitous presence in the Russian media:

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russian state media have cited Larry C. Johnson in hundreds of news articles and TV reports. They frequently present his views on the Russian-Ukrainian war and the West’s role, referring to him as a former CIA analyst, despite his short tenure with the agency more than 35 years ago. The Kremlin uses Johnson’s often false and misleading claims to promote pro-Russian narratives and improve its image.........more.........

 more info on the newest attempted trump shooter;

Former President Donald Trump was allegedly targeted for assassination on Sunday by 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, a fanatical supporter of Ukraine who sought to recruit people for their International Legion.

From The Grayzone, "Suspect in 'Trump golf course incident' recruited for Ukraine's International Legion":

Before he was caught with an AK-47 on a golf course near Trump, Ryan Routh went to Kiev to fight for Ukraine's military and recruit for its International Legion. Routh told US media he "had partners meeting with [Ukraine's Ministry of Defense] every week." Ryan Routh was arrested today with an AK-47-style rifle several hundred yards from Donald Trump while the former president was golfing. According to the Washington Post, the "Trump golf course incident investigated as potential assassination attempt."

Back in 2022, Routh reportedly traveled to Ukraine to recruit for the International Legion. According to Newsweek Romania, which interviewed Routh in 2022, the American resident of Hawaii hoped to fight as a volunteer alongside the Ukrainian army, but was too old at age 56.

"So plan B," Routh said, "was to come to Kiev and promote the idea of many others coming to join the International Legion. We need thousands of people here to fight alongside Ukrainians.

There are about 190 countries on our planet, and if the governments are not officially sending soldiers here, then we civilians should pick up this torch and make it happen."

Routh's Twitter timeline is filled with scores of tweets volunteering his direct assistance to the war in Ukraine, cheerleading the war against Russia, and attacking opponents of military aid to Kiev such as Tulsi Gabbard........more........

 another attempt at shooting the orange man here;

We were warned that it was just a matter of time before there would be another attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and now it has happened.  Thankfully, this new attempt to take Trump out failed, and so for now we have avoided a nightmare scenario.  But from this point forward, Trump and other prominent politicians are going to need to take extreme precautions regarding their safety.  We are less than two months away from the election, and emotions are running extremely high.  Needless to say, this is especially true when it comes to Trump.  No presidential candidate has ever been more hated by the left than Donald Trump, and he just “narrowly survived yet another assassination attempt”

Former President Trump narrowly survived yet another assassination attempt after a sniper with a scoped AK-47 rifle got within a few hundred yards of him as he played golf at his West Palm Beach, Florida club on Friday.

It is the second time a madman armed with an assault rifle has tried to kill the 45th president in two months.

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said the suspect had taken cover near a chain-link fence between 300-500 yards away from Trump, but conceded, “with a rifle and scope like that is not a long distance.”

How did this sniper know that Trump would be golfing?

Trump’s golf outings are not put on any public schedule.

Somehow he knew that Trump would be there.

It is being reported that there were gunshots in the “vicinity” of Trump, and once the sniper realized that his plot had been foiled he fled the scene and took off in a black Nissan….....more......

 we, the empire, are becoming what we were warned against as school kids as the teachers bragged about how things were different here compared to russia, but no more;

The Western World Has Completed Its Transition from Democracy where Government Is Accountable to the People to Unaccountable Tyranny where the Expression of Truth Is a Felony

Paul Craig Roberts

Former British Ambassador Craig Murray reports that in Britain honest news reporting of Israel’s destruction of Palestine is a felony for which journalists are arrested and face long prison sentences.

In the US universities are gearing up to prevent any student protests of Israel’s destruction of Palestine. It is becoming ever more impossible to acknowledge reality. Official narratives have taken reality’s place. Manifestations of moral conscience are to be prohibited.

In America the Biden regime has characterized RT’s new reporting as “Russian disinformation” and amounts to espionage. For reporting news that the US presstitutes carefully keep from the people, sanctions designed to shut down RT have been imposed. A September 13 report from a NY Times presstitute, “U.S. Accuses Russian TV Network of Conducting Covert Intelligence Acts,” establishes Washington’s false narrative. Honest information is “Kremlin-friendly content.”

I have long reported that truth was being criminalized throughout the Western world. The process has now been completed..........more.......

 pcr speaks about the ukraine war and its ongoing results;

Doom Is the West’s Future

Paul Craig Roberts

As I said would happen, Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine has widened the conflict into the beginnings of WW III.

Putin himself now acknowledges this fact. In response to a journalist’s question about the consequences of what appears to be a US-UK decision to permit missile strikes from Ukraine deep into Russia, Putin said:

“The Ukrainian army is not capable of using cutting-edge high-precision long-range systems supplied by the West. They cannot do that. These weapons are impossible to employ without intelligence data from satellites which Ukraine does not have. This can only be done using the European Union’s satellites, or US satellites – in general, NATO satellites. This is the first point.

“The second point – perhaps the most important, the key point even – is that only NATO military personnel can assign flight missions to these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.

“Therefore, it is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It is about deciding whether NATO countries become directly involved in the military conflict or not.

“If this decision is made, it will mean nothing short of direct involvement – it will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are parties to the war in Ukraine. This will mean their direct involvement in the conflict, and it will clearly change the very essence, the very nature of the conflict dramatically..........more.......

Sunday, September 15, 2024

 thirty six minutes with the new atlas with detailed exploration of the ukie war, methods, goals, tactics and all from this former marine. there are things he explores right up till the end of this vide that are important details;


 the history of white people, hosted by martin mull;


 fourteen minutes with leo kearse speaking about british legal foolishness;


 in seventeen minutes redacted explores the 'hijacking' on 911 revealing lots you should know if you don't already;


 eight minutes with an x video on the wacky differences in how 'crime' is pursued in europe these days;


 twelve minutes with the librul hivemind on the subject of the three on one debate;


 the fbi like all government, isn't your friend;

Two years after being wrongly accused of a media leak, O’Boyle waits on the DOJ Office of Inspector General for redemption.

WAUKESHA, Wis.— Contemplating the hellish past two years he and his family have endured at the hands of the FBI, indefinitely suspended Special Agent Garret O’Boyle paused for a moment over his breakfast plate at a favorite local diner.

How does one sum up such a nightmare roller coaster?

Bumped from his upward career-track FBI job based on provably bogus charges, O’Boyle was suspended and lost his security clearance, his salary, his health insurance, his home, and his peace of mind. All thanks to the FBI, which he says knew the charges that started it all were false — but proceeded against him anyway. Who has words for that?

As it turns out, O’Boyle does.

“It’s evil,” he said.

During his days as a patrol officer with the Waukesha Police Department, O’Boyle sometimes walked a beat downtown near the end of his overnight shift. One of his favorite breakfast haunts was Dave’s Family Restaurant on West Broadway.

More than seven years later, O’Boyle, 38, found himself back in a booth at Dave’s, enjoying a hamburger steak, eggs, and hash browns while trying to process and verbalize what the past two years have wrought.

Back then, his goal was to become an FBI special agent, a dream he realized in mid-2018. His attempts to rectify serious problems he found at the FBI were met with a weaponized response — an unpaid suspension and a campaign of retaliation that has devastated him, his wife of 14 years, and their growing family of four daughters.

“I’ve been telling my wife since the beginning of the suspension that we’re different people now,” O’Boyle explained. “We’re changed forever. We’re never going to be the Garret and Heidi that we were. I struggle with that on one end, because we liked our life.”.........more.......


"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

"Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, and no secret is revealed." -- John F Kennedy, Speech April 27, 1961

this is one of those i aught to post daily, as a reminder, till it no longer exists;

World leaders will convene later this month in New York to discuss proposals that critics believe will enshrine global digital ID and online censorship and give the United Nations (U.N.) secretary-general unprecedented emergency powers.

Proposals to be discussed at the 79th U.N. General Assembly include the Pact for the Future, described by the U.N. as an “opportunity to create international mechanisms that better reflect the realities of the 21st century and can respond to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities.”

The proposed Pact for the Future encompasses 11 policy proposals. These include proposals for the establishment of a U.N. “Emergency Platform” and a “Global Digital Compact,” and policy proposals on “Information Integrity” and “Transforming Education.”

Also among the U.N.’s proposals is the “Declaration on Future Generations.”

Under these proposals, the secretary-general would have “standing authority” to declare “an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”........more..........


America: A beautiful place where Venezuelan

gangs take over your apartments, Haitians eat

your cat, and the government labels you a

terrorist for getting mad about it and sends your

tax dollars to Israel. 

Immigrants do the jobs Americans don't want to do anymore 

like voting for democrats.


Direct Quote made by Kamala Harris

on January 21,2021

'These Trumpers think we care

about the constitution. We have the

power now to end this they

really don't get. We will block

them in the courts, we will use federal

law enforcement and the military. 

After joe inflicts the death blow i'll 

take the reigns. They will beg me for

a loaf of bread".

 translations for the ones who are confused;



Isn't it a little odd for a

party to push the idea of

"first woman president"

when they

can't even

define what a

woman is?

 stick a fork in germany and don't expect things to improve;


 you don't have to know the things to be covered by this meeting but you can be sure it won't be something you'll wish for;

The United Nations will be meeting soon to secretly negotiate a series of pacts at its so-called Summit of the Future. The goal, in the words of the UN and its top officials, is to establish the framework for a new one-world “system” tailored to the digital age in a restructured world.

No matter how they try to dress it up with euphemistic buzzwords — spouting off promises of more equality and a world that’s more inclusive, more efficient, and more resilient — this new system will not be a friend of freedom.

The Exposé notes that there is no lawful authorization for delegates to vote on any of the pacts being negotiated — the so-called Pact for the Future, the Declaration for Future Generations, the Global Digital Compact or what UN Secretary General António Guterres is calling Our Common Agenda.

The Summit of the Future is a high-level United Nations summit scheduled for September 22 and 23 in New York City, with “action days” being held on September 20 and 21. The summit will culminate in the adoption of a “Pact for the Future.”

My gut tells me this Pact for the Future will be a pact with the devil.

Leaders from UN member states will attend the summit to reaffirm their “unwavering commitment” to the UN, its charter, its principles and its Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. They will vow to submit to all UN agencies including the World Health Organization and the International Court of Justice. All of this is designed to move us towards what the UN is calling a “reinvigorated multilateral system better positioned to impact people’s lives positively.”

We must ask ourselves: When has the UN “system” ever impacted our lives in a positive way?......more......

 kamala speaks in this post and its bound to confuse;

Kamala Harris gave her first post-debate interview to ABC News6, Philadelphia.  The media outlet understood the potential risk of the interview following public ridicule of the national ABC News debate.   As a result, ABC News6 has posted the full unedited interview, and the responses by Kamala Harris highlight exactly why Brian Fallon has tried to keep her away from speaking without a teleprompter.

Not only does Kamala Harris fail to answer the questions, the responses she gives are ridiculous word-salad replies about ancillary issues that are not even connected to the primary topic being quieried. .........more......