we aren't in kansas anymore. there are things being advanced by the powers that shouldn't be, those supposedly elected and done so with the promise of working for you, but guess what? read the following and discover;
Although demographic replacement is the most obvious seismic change in America, being so visibly obvious, with the breakneck increase in accepted sexual degeneracy keeping pace in a close second, there is another change in our nation that is mirrored across the formerly White Western world: the utter collapse of public, organized religion. More specifically Christianity. Pew Research recently released a very large study of religious trends and it is not good news for organized religion (although that doesn’t mean it is all bad news for Christianity).
There was a time when almost everyone expressed some sort of affiliation with Christianity. In 1972, the year after I was born, a survey was started that asked about religious affiliation. As of that first survey better than 90% of Americans identified with Christianity. As everyone knows that affiliation has been slumping but most people don’t realize quite how much nor how precipitously it has diminished since the 1990s.
To make matters a little worse, that 63% likely still includes double digit percentages of people who claim a Christian affiliation but haven’t been to church in many years and don’t have any attachment to the faith apart from a family connection. From my experience after decades in the Christian church, I can say with an enormous level of confidence that most “Christians” in America know very little about their professed faith and what they do know is wrong. It is a cultural identifier, something to give them some sort of identity and deflect the proselytization of the zealous. They don’t read their Bible or attend services and only pray when something really bad is going on.
The real percentage of people that actually believe and practice the Christian faith is probably closer to 25%, and that is being really generous. Christianity is supposed to be a whole-life transformative faith (“You must be born again”), not something you pull out of your back pocket when things are crappy and you need some comfort. That is true for very few people..........more..........
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