Sunday, July 24, 2022

 if this is true i'd say this is big;

Every now and then a story comes along that falls into a “gray basket” in that the story strikes you as being one of those made-up internet rumours concocted by an over-active imagination or by some intelligent agent or asset having his daily cup of jollies, or, more seriously, planting false and fake stories to “see where they end up” in the internet versions of classic “dye-the-waters” operations. Yet, so audacious is the story, so huge with significance if true (or even if only a portion of it is true) that not to pass it along if for no other reason than to alert people to “keep their eyes open” would be itself a grievous sin of omission.

This is precisely one of those kinds of stories, brought to my attention by K.M. as we were discussing the Georgia Guidestones scenario (see last Monday’s blog).  This is but one link featuring the same story, which, incidentally, was released July 15th and which occurred, as it alleges “last week”, in other words, some time during the week of July 4-10, on July 9, in fact:

Deep State Attacks Nuclear Disassembly Plant – July 16, 2022

Here’s the gist of the story:

The Deep State last week launched a disorganized assault on a nuclear disassembly plant in the Texas panhandle but was repelled by the White Hats who’ve been guarding the facility since the U.S. military took provisional control of the strategic nuclear arsenal after the stolen 2020 presidential election, sources in Gen. David H. Berger’s Office told Real Raw News.

The failed incursion took place at Pantex, a mammoth complex on 16,000 acres of land close to Amarillo. Prior to January 2021, the plant was managed and operated for the United States Department of Energy by Consolidated Nuclear Security and Sandia National Laboratories, all of which the U.S. military ejected when Biden was unlawfully sworn into office. By then, the rogue regime already faced in intractable quandary: the military had seized of ICBM and SLBM nuclear launch codes, as well as the country’s strategic bomber force. This meant if Biden’s handlers wanted nuclear war, or a nuclear False Flag on American soil, they’d have to pilfer atomic components elsewhere..........more......

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