Friday, July 22, 2022

 a retired military officer reviews the current status of the empire in this essay;

What do you do when you hear about a US F-18 Super Hornet getting blown off a carrier by the wind?  Naturally it got me wondering about a shortage of tiedowns, you know, because of the COVID global supply chain collapse.

Just kidding!  Pretty sure that wasn’t it; maybe the Navy is just being creative about getting rid of them.  It is – as we are seeing with domestic transportation infrastructure and power grid reliability, “explosions” on the nearly empty Hoover Dam, and a massive number of food industry mishaps, among other things –  a sign that the US is, shall we say, changing.

“Revealing” is a better word than “changing.”  Americans, and those who study the United States, are starting to see all the things that are really not there.  We are getting glimpses into the nature of the massive empire, domestic and international, and its fascistic international political leadership – and when we look closer we see it is hollow, inverted, vacant and empty.

We have, as Leonard Read noted, a kakistocracy – government of the worst.  Uncle Joe is not only a great president, he is our ideal president – an incoherent, senile grifter who cannot keep track of his location, his mouth, his history, or what part of the teleprompter screen he is supposed to be reading.  Those who supported Joe, as for those who supported The Donald in 2020, were in 100% agreement in what they thought about the opposition.  Yet, these were the choices offered to the 50 states and the 340 million people who live in those states.

Political vacancy aside, the US also has no economy!  The financialized economy that Dr Roberts describes – where “which consumer income is diverted by debt expansion away from the purchase of new goods and services into debt service and fees–interest on mortgages, car loans, credit card debt, student loan debt” – produces very little.  Franklin Sanders, of The Moneychanger, adds:........more.......

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